Business & Culture
Regenerative Development and Design: A Framework for Evolving Sustainability, Pamela Mang & Ben Haggard
Companies that Mimic Life, Jay Bragdon
The Nature of Business, Giles Hutchins
Regenerative Business, Carol Sanford
Designing Regenerative Cultures, Daniel Christian Wahl
The Living Organisation, Norman Wolfe
The Permaculture City: Regenerative Design for Urban, Suburban, and Town Resilience, Toby Hemenway
The Age of Thriveability, Michelle Holliday
Visions & Scenarios
How soon is now? From Personal Initiation to Global Transformation, Daniel Pinchbeck
The Breakthrough Challenge, Jochen Zeitz & John Elkington
Project Drawdown, Paul Hawkins
Utopia for Realists - and how we get there, Rutger Bregman
Biomimicry & The Circular Economy
Biomimicry: Innovation inspired by nature, Janine Benyus
Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the way we make things, Michael Braungart & William McDonough
The Circular Economy: A Wealth of Flows, Ken Webster & Ellen McArthur
Waste to Wealth: The Circular Economy Advantage, Peter Lacy & Jakob Rutqvist
A Changemakers Guide to the Future, Anders Lendager & Ditte Lysgaard Vind
Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier, and More Creative, Florence Williams
Ecotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, Martin Jordan
The Invention of Nature: The Adventures of Alexander von Humboldt, the Lost Hero of Science, Andrea Wulf
The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate, Peter Wohlleben
New Leadership Paradigm
The New Leadership Paradigm: Richard Barrett
Reinventing Organizations, Frederic Laloux
Theory U – Otto Scharmer
The Necessary Revolution, Peter Senge, et al
Flourishing Enterprise, Chris Laszlo, et al
Synchronicity, Joseph Jawarski
Future Fit, Giles Hutchins
Shakti Leadership: Embracing the Feminine and Masculine Future of Business, Ray Sisodia & Nilima Bhat
The Athena Doctrine: How Women (and the Men Who Think Like Them) Will Rule the Future, John Gerzema & Michael D'Antonio
Presence, Peter Senge, et al
Still Moving, Deborah Rowland
Socio-economic, Cultural and Human Development
More Human, Steve Hilton
The Zero Marginal Cost Economy, Jeremy Rifkin
Leading from the Emerging Future, Otto Scharmer and Katrin Kaufer
On Dialogue, David Bohm
Zeitgeist Paradigm Shift
Stealing Fire, Steven Kotler & Jamie Wheal
Dispelling Wetiko, Paul Levy
The Spell of the Sensuous, David Abram
The Illusion of Separation, Giles Hutchins
The Fall, Steve Taylor
Spontaneous Evolution, Bruce Lipton and Steve Bhaerman
Personal Development
A Hidden Wholeness, Parker J Palmer
Touching Enlightenment, Reginald Ray
The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Joseph Campbell
Sky Above Earth Below, John P Milton
Insight Dialogue, Gregory Kramer